This week, Olivia:
- Went back to the zoo! She’s getting pretty resistant to the stroller and wanted to either run around or be carried (no in between!). We had a lot of fun, as always, and O got a special kick out of the flamingos for some reason. She stood there, giggling to herself as she watched them.
- Played in a dinosaur-themed bouncy house for the first time. It took a bit of coaxing to get her in there, and then she was only mildly impressed 🙂
- Randomly told us she wants to go to Lego Land. We’ve never even mentioned it before, so she must have heard it at school.
- Is starting to show an interest in musical instruments. She made a beeline for this Melissa & Doug grand piano
at the toy store and loves making music on her xylophone
, another gift from daddy! Even though she’s been playing with her M&D alphabet puzzle
a lot lately, I was pretty impressed when she made an X out of her xylophone sticks and said “Look! An x ray.” (the puzzle has an image of an x-ray for the “X”)
Favorite quote this week (in addition to the ones above):
“I make my onions cry”