This week, Olivia:
- Had her 10 month birthday! Olivia loves bananas, blueberries, yogurt, peas and whole wheat mini bagels. She can take 5-6 solo steps before she gets down and crawls. She is great at blowing kisses, says “mama”, “dada”, “hi” (accompanied by a wave), “book”, “dah” (dog) and “oof” (woof). She can point to her nose, mouth and ears, and respond with the appropriate animal sound when we ask her what sound the monkey, cow or dog makes. She can also point to dogs in her books. Her favorite activity is reading, and lately she has been climbing into her anywhere chair to have a seat and leaf through the pages of a favorite book while babbling loudly. She still loves Karen Katz books the most.
- Started the week off whiny and drooly.
- Is SUPER fast at crawling and cruising. If she sees something or someone she’s excited about, she practically sprints across the room.
- Is walking solo more frequently.
Is becoming more of a daredevil. Even though she knows how to get down off of the couch, now she tries to climb on the arm of the couch and jump off. She also climbed partway up the stairs, stopped at the landing, and got a bit scared because she wasn’t comfortable getting back down. Of course, I was behind her, and that first landing is only 3 steps up.
- Went in the pool! It’s so fascinating to watch her experience things for the first time. She gets really quiet and just sits back and observes. After 15 minutes or so, she started warming up and splashing. We used this Swimways Float to keep her protected from the sun, and I liked it because it folded up neatly when we were done!