Olivia at 9 Weeks

Has it been two months already?! Instead of hours and days, we’ve measured this time in sweet looks, dirty diapers, chubby toes, night-time cries, pump part cleanings, books read, ABCs sung, smiles and coos.  And as long as those late night hours feel, or as shrill and piercing as those cries seem, just one of Olivia’s smiles makes it all melt away.

This week, Olivia was absolutely fixated on sucking on her hands.  Like to the point where her left hand got a tad pruny.  I think she’s foraging for a thumb but hasn’t yet discovered just how to make it appear every time.  So she sticks her whole fist in, IF her hand makes it to her mouth on the first try.  Other times she just winds up hitting herself in the face as she furiously tries to connect hand to mouth, and when she winds up getting it, she chokes.

It’s so interesting observing her.  When it comes to sucking on her hands and eating, she’s like me – totally impatient, totally frantic.  With everything else – baths, diaper changes, wardrobe changes – she’s patient like her dad.  She’ll just stare up at us calmly as we run around trying to find more wipes during a blowout or an extra  wash cloth during bath time.

She discovered the mobile hanging above her on her Snugabunny swing, and got such a kick out of it the first time she noticed it.

The other interesting thing this week (and maybe this is a coincidence) is that she has peed after we take off her diaper to change it a handful of times.  I’m not sure if this is just a timing thing, but it never happened before this week.

Friday and Saturday, she slept an average of 7 hours straight – 8:30-3:30,  then 4-6.  Two days don’t make a trend, but still.  That’s better than the sleep I got when I was pregnant!

She still loves all of her favorite things from earlier weeks, and is definitely batting at the hanging toys on her play mat more.  She also now smiles and coos at the orange stars that hang over the changing area of her pack and play.  I’ve started letting her smell things that seem like they’d be interesting to her (bananas, strawberries, chocolate) but so far she isn’t impressed.

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